Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Lord's Stephanie Drummond Planner

Why am I still up?!

This weekend was crazy cool! Almost every minute was spent with friends and doing fun things! From things such as Wakefield's (failure) Homecoming Game, Apt with unexpected friend (John, Will, and Sambird!!!)...on that note I think I should get to know Will better! He seems like such a solid dude but i feel like im getting caught up in his amazing wife, Nancy. I got to spend a bit of time hanging with him and the rest of the Ray Sibs this weekend and it was fantastic! Alright now back to the list of things I did this weekend ha...Breakfast with the Gals, Day with the Band(JessRayandTheRagTagArmy)/Bryboy/Sarah @ Christ Baptist's Missions Conference, The NC State Fair with Bryant and Sarah!!, Church( :]]), Paintball w/ School friends for a school project!!!(how cool is that! I got to go paint balling for a project!), Youth Group! Yepp a pretty busy weekend id say. I feel like I didnt sleep...probably cause i didnt ha.

Youth group was so good tonight. Most importantly the Back-Porch portion of Youth Group was great! Back-Porch is what our youth group calls "Small Groups." The girls/guys get together in a room after the service and just share whats on their hearts. Tonight the Junior High Girls were with us!

But anywho...tonight on the Back-Porch we had a time of sharing our sins. Now how many of you when reading that kinda cringed inside? Seriously! Well its natural...who wants everyone to know your faults. But I have to say, it is completely needed! I adore that I have a place where I can be completely honest and give these sins to the Lord. However hard it is to audibly speak sins to everyone, i needed it. It was exactly in the Lord's plan for my night. His perfect planning!

Walking within His perfect plan,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Adventures of Truvy: The Drive-In

Tonight we went to the Drive-in Movie Theatre =]

My dad has had this little fuzzy(idea/dream/wish) of taking the family to see a drive-in movie at the one closest to us. Tonight that fuzzy was fulfilled. :)

Tonight my parentals, the Apt Gals, and I took a road trip, in Truvy and Stanley (those are Whitta and my Dad's cars hehe) 45 mins out of our normal domain. Drove up to our parking spot, got comfy in our seats, and changed the radio station to 90.3!

That was the movie that was playing on this fine night. It was actually a pretty good movie. I enjoyed it...but also it was the fact that we were in a DRIVE-IN!

I adore Drive-ins! They are the coolest things! There is that feeling of being a part of something antique, a part of American history.

Not to mention the experience of the Concessions Stand! ha. Now that is something everyone should have to experience!

But anywho, It was such a great night just spending those hours within the walls of Truvy with the girls! I love them, I really do.

Have a Lovely night Bloggy People,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"When Autumn leaves start to fall..."

Where I want to be! So badly!

So if you didnt know, this is a picture of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Autumn. Probably in the Top 10 Most Beautiful Roads in Autumn (in America)...or it should be! I declare it! There is just this awesome feeling of sailing through the parkway with the windows down(for only minutes at a time because it gets quite chilly) 'Autumn Music' playing and breathing in the crisp-est and cleanest air in the WHOLE world. hehe. I want to be there right now! I want to be driving to see Sambird or Nancy & Will! That would make me so happy! A road-trip!! I need to plan one! Real soon!

But for tonight I will just have to dream about my adventures in Boone.

Tonight I have been especially motivated. I also plan to continue with this motivation!

Things I have Accomplished Tonight:
  • Organization of All my binders (a task that has been neglected since the start of school...scary!)
  • Most of a list needed for My Fair Lady Rehearsal on Thursday.
  • Planner...Color Coded with new events & Dated with Meetings with my teachers to keep up or boast my grades while being swamped with theatre for the next 2 months!
  • All homework complete.
  • Studying for PSAT tomorrow...check!
Things to finish Tomorrow:
  • Homework for...AP US History, Study Guide for AP Environmental, Secret for Post-Secret for Twentieth Century Classics.
  • My Fair Lady Rehearsal Reports...and other nic-nacs
  • Any make-up work that I have yet to turn in.

Looks like quite a few things to do tomorrow but, tomorrow is going to be a good day...I KNOW it! My day starts with the PSAT (bleh) but, then improves with a theatre performance during the school day which gets me out of a portion of 4th period! yay. In the rest of 4th period we will continue to discuss a book that I dont particularly like but I like discussing about it! Then we get out early cause its a Wednesday! I am so super excited! Not to mention...Church tomorrow night!!! Yipper Skipper!

I love Wednesdays!

But anywho...I plan on getting to bed by 9pm tonight so I better get going on that...

Praise be to God, for He is faithful and just!

Friday, October 9, 2009

What shall I write of tonight?

First of all, do you like my graphic?! I am so excited about the ones I have made today. I very well know that I am far from good but I am so proud of being able to create something like that on my second try! And what a joy it was to mold and shape a white page into a thing of color and dimension.

Tomorrow I get the pleasure of journeying around the town with one Jess Ray. Tomorrow is the date of Jess Ray and The Rag Tag Army's concert at Summit church. I have a duty to this band. The duty that I have loved for the past two years. That duty of mine is to the technical aspect of JR and TRTA. I do love it most dearly. The word duty is only to describe the responsibility to this band. But do not let it fool you! I cannot describe how much i love it.

For now I have to leave you, Max is calling upon his computer!

For now,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Beginning of Autumn Nights

Im sitting on my couch all snuggied up in a warm sweatshirt (which i got from my newly clean closet). It is fairly chilly outside, perfect autumn weather.

Wanna know something else that is perfect tonight?!?!

Alright so I met this girl a couple weeks ago. We have a mutual friend (Sambird!!). Sam had told me that Alexis sang and so I looked her up!

Her music is a perfect blend of soft lovely vocals and beautiful acoustic brilliance. Made for an autumn night consumed by hot tea and a book.

And look...i have both of those! yippee skippee! hehe.

So Im gunna get back to the inner workings of my book.

G'night Bloggy People,

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sicky Sickerton.

Today i woke up and i was sick!

I had the works....incredibly painful headache, sneezing every 2 minutes, my mind feeling all fuzzy, my nose...well it just had no air passage lets just put it that way, I was achy and I didnt want to go to school.

The problem: A huge test in 4th period!

So that meant cramming a massive amount of pills down my throat and trying to smile.

The day was rough. But it was a friday and now i can sleep all weekend! woo hoo.

So when i got home I slept from 3 to 6pm! It was great! But then i had to wake up enough to get ready and go to the football game! And at that I had to be peppy and cheerful because I just had to be. After the domination of the football game, my dad took us to Char Grill!

This milkshake...although not very good for my the perfect antidote for my downer mood!

Now i am going to bed and hopefully sleeping for at least 12 hours! Thats my goal!

Happy Dreams Everyone,