Friday, October 9, 2009

What shall I write of tonight?

First of all, do you like my graphic?! I am so excited about the ones I have made today. I very well know that I am far from good but I am so proud of being able to create something like that on my second try! And what a joy it was to mold and shape a white page into a thing of color and dimension.

Tomorrow I get the pleasure of journeying around the town with one Jess Ray. Tomorrow is the date of Jess Ray and The Rag Tag Army's concert at Summit church. I have a duty to this band. The duty that I have loved for the past two years. That duty of mine is to the technical aspect of JR and TRTA. I do love it most dearly. The word duty is only to describe the responsibility to this band. But do not let it fool you! I cannot describe how much i love it.

For now I have to leave you, Max is calling upon his computer!

For now,

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