Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Pros of the week

Im going for the list today cause that's all i can think to write.

What has made me happy this week?

This weekend is hastily coming this way, two new antique cameras!, Theater, late night talks on the loverly Skype, writing messages to people that could probably use a lift, the prospect of talking to her, the fact that i am going to see [another] her [for the first time this week], ive been writing again, looking back into the past, pondering on the future, thoughts of the one that makes me smile, SUNDAY!!, Alison Krauss and Union Station/Shane & Shane/The Weepies, the prospect of meeting him, awaiting The Family Cookout @ The Apt, hitting the snooze a little bit to much but its nice anyway, being late to cell group cause of a little stop at Cook Out, What if...the best daydreaming topic, new joys to every person that is coming into town, unread letter that is sure to hold excitement, gentlemen, Miller Ball and getting a goal!!, skinnys and a T-shirt everyday, de baskets, spirit week, hanging with hannah tonight, teeth pain has subsided, lovely friendships, and pony tails....theres more but i have to get ready for HGeezers tonight.

with rubber in my smile,


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