Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bulleted Thoughts

I only have a few sentences rolling up around in my head tonight...mostly because I am sooo tired.
  • "If you're out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold. All you have to do it call my name and ill be there on the next train" - The glories of watching gilmore girls at the Apt
  • Im feeling really bad about being so sarcastic lately or sarcastic in general...long story [well not really just not one that is interesting enough to blog about]
  • Being sick is stupie, especially when no sleep and a big exam in a day is added to the mix.
  • There is this picture of four beautiful girls right above this computer screen - oh how i love each one [ Jessie(and no im not just calling her that just to be a pain, I dont really know why I just do), Hedrish my lovie love love love, Nanchen(pronounced: Nance-hen) , and Sam Bird] 
  • Try to think of 15 Will Smith movies right now - its harder than it sounds [or it was for 7 lovely girls and one me]
  • Having my sister come in my house crying at 10:30pm is NOT okay and should not THEY are done.
  • The Gettys are awesome - you cant deny that [ if you try, go read some of their lyrics and then come talk to me]
  • I feel like im trespassing because im on Jess' computer - I get nervous when im on Jess' baby i feel like im gunna mess up something even though im just on 
  • Having a guitar pick in my wallet and knowing the answer to her questions or anticipating her next need makes me smile a little bit [ im a techie/assistant, i love it!] 
  • "Okay now lets talk about the deadline emphasis on the DEAD" - I love Paris  
  • FACT: Converses are awesome - there are pictures to prove it!
  • FACT: A starbucks coffee can make any day better 
  • FACT: The Apt is the best apartment in the world
  • FACT: 100 wings split between Drummonds, Rays, A Miller, A Walker, and A McGarvey = loads of fun and just enough!
  • FACT: Gilmore Girls is the best show to watch to make you happy!
  • FACT: Holly Aiken is the coolest person and bag designer ever! 
  • FACT: M.A.S.H. is a perfect game to play while sitting in a lodge at a ski retreat.
  • FACT: The Project Concert is a go for Feb. 28th [and the excitement level is up to new heights] 
  • FACT: Sleep is definitely needed right now.
[more about Ski Retreat later]

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