Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dear Lord,

I need You.

I love the feeling of Your arms wrapped around my feeble body. I love the feeling of You telling me that You love me and You are here for me. I love the feeling that You are right beside me. I love the feeling of Your strength running through me. I love that feeling of giving myself up to You, because its like being right at home. I love the feeling of my hands raised, my eyes shut, my voice crying Your praise, because right then I can feel Your smile and it is unlike any other happiness i have ever felt. I love that feeling of smiling because You are not just in my life you are my life because i am yours bought by Your precious blood, the ultimate price. I love being Your servant, here on this earth to do Your will. I love reading Your story and Your words because it brings me that much closer to You. I love kneeling on the floor before you singing because at that point I am nothing, a spec on the ground and You are Everything. I love sitting in the dark gym with Jess singing her heart out to You as I sit just talking to You and just crying out to You. I love knowing that You have a plan for me and my life. I love knowing that i can put my everything on You and trust in You and You will lead me to where I am supposed to be.

I adore You Lord.

Yours to do Your will,

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